Table of contents

Event format

An example of the event that the catcher should send.

{ /** * Project's JWT */ "token": "AAAABB...wER232r2wer", /** * Type of an event * Example: "error/javascript", "error/php", "log/access", "metrika/touch" */ "catcherType": "error/php", /** * Event data */ "payload": { /** * Event title */ "title": "Field `blocks` is missing", /** * Event type * @optional */ "type": "ParseError", /** * Any error description. * @optional */ "description": "evaluating 't.children.length'", /** * @optional * Event severity levent apevel */ "level": 16, /** * @optional * Event stack array from the latest call to the earliest */ "backtrace": [ { /** * Source filepath */ "file": "/var/www/codex/vendor/codex-team/editor.js/EditorJS/EditorJS.php", /** * Called line */ "line": 77, /** * Column number */ "column": 12, // @optional "function": null, // @optional "arguments": null, /** * @optional * Part of source code file near the called line */ "sourceCode": [ { /** * Line's number */ "line": 76, /** * Line's content */ "content": " if (!isset($data['blocks'])) {", }, { "line": 77, "content": " throw new EditorJSException('Field `blocks` is missing');" }, { "line": 78, "content": " }" }, ] }, { "file": "/var/www/codex/application/classes/Controller/Articles/Index.php", "calledLine": "191", "sourceCode": [ { "line": "190", "content": " {" }, { "line": "191", "content": " $editor = new EditorJS($content, Model_Article::getEditorConfig());" }, { "line": "192", "content": " $blocks = $editor->getBlocks();" } ] }, // ... ], /** * Catcher-specific fields */ "addons" : {} /** * @optional * Source code version identifier * Version, modify timestamp or both of them combined */ "release": "", /** * @optional * Current authenticated user */ "user": { "id": "1233" "name": "Vitaly Guryn", "url": "", "photo": "" }, /** * @optional * Any additional data collected by user */ "context": { // any additional data } }, }